The emotion of the moment,
the memory of a lifetime! ®

17 years | 1500+ musicians | 100% success
500 couples & 60 wedding planners from 40 countries

Melodima: The emotion of the moment, the memory of a lifetime! (since 2007)

Melodima: The emotion of the moment, the memory of a lifetime! (since 2007)

I had the opportunity to perform as a choir member in hundreds of concerts in 16 countries in 3 continents. When I met Angeliki, music was our shared love and we spent hours discussing about music or playing and singing classical arias and old Greek songs. When we started dreaming about our wedding, music was our shared dream, a dream that became the idea that evolved into Melodima in 2007.

We created Melodima from scratch, in parallel to our studies, without any initial capital or support, based on our love for music, our broad knowledge and our hard work. Pioneers in wedding music management in Greece at a time when there was no social media, we found our musicians through recommendations and evaluated them in their live performances. Many musicians and many couples shared our enthusiasm and Melodima quickly evolved into the most specialized wedding music group in Greece, participating in weddings from all continents, in VIP weddings and in receptions with famous guests. We have reached the Balearic Islands of Spain for a wedding and we went viral when a prince danced in front of our orchestra.

Τhe last dance of the bride with her parents before leaving home, the dreamy atmosphere in the wedding ceremony, the warm hug of the couple during the first dance, the smiles of the bride's friends, the jokes of the groom's friends, the happiness of the bride for her dream wedding, the pride of the father, the emotions of the mother, the tears of the grandmother, the dreams of the young sister... Having experienced numerous moments of emotion that remain in our memories forever, we were inspired our motto, which describes exactly what Melodima is: "The emotion of the moment, the memory of a lifetime!"

Stefanos Souldatos, MEng, MBA, PhD (Artistic Director)

Stefanos Souldatos, MEng, MBA, PhD (Artistic Director)

He loved music since his childhood. He got his Diploma in Byzantine music by Lykourgos Angelopoulos, he studied phonetic orthophony with Maria Thoma, Onoufrios Sohos and Vasilis Tsirigotis-Dimas, opera singing with Angeliki Sohou and traditional Greek instruments with various teachers.

He became a member of the kid's choir of the Archbishopric of Athens quite young, and he was only 10 when he appeared on TV for the first time. He became a member of the Greek Byzantine Choir at the early age of 15, and since then he has participated in a variety of concerts in Greece and abroad (Music Hall of Athens, Herodion Theater of Acropolis, Delfi, Metropolitan Museum of New York, Boston, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Denmark, Albania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Cyprus, Estonia, Poland, Romania, Turkey, etc.). In 2008, his voice was recorded in a TV studio in Boston in order to be used among other voices from all over the world for the architectural and sound design of a new concert hall.

He has a Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), a Master's of Business Administration (MBA) from the ALBA Graduate Business School and a PhD in Web Databases from the NTUA. His academic and music excellence has been honoured with 11 scholarships and awards (General Secretariat for Research and Technology of the Greek Ministry of Development, Onassis Foundation, Thomaidio Foundation, National Technical University of Athens, Bodosaki Foundation, Gazi-Triandafyllopoulou Foundation, Belouhi Foundation, Institute of Language and Speech Processing, etc.). He has worked as an IT consultant in a number of institutes and research centers (NTUA Research, Demokritos Research Center, Athena Research Center, Ministry of Transportation, National Documentation Center, etc.) and he now works in a Greek multinational company as Deputy Project Manager in IT projects for the European Commission, the European Parliament and public organisations in the UK, Belgium, Poland, Cyprus, etc.

Author of the book "Lykourgos Angelopoulos, the Teacher and secret benefactor" ("Λυκούργος Αγγελόπουλος, Ο Δάσκαλος που ευεργετούσε κρυφά", En Plo Editions), in which he reveals how his teacher and choir director for 25 years Lykourgos Angelopoulos was secretly benefiting dozens of students, without them realising it before his death, και how he was helping each one of them to find his own path in music. Father of 2 children.

Angeliki Vlasopoulou, BLaw, MFinance (Artistic Consultant)

Angeliki Vlasopoulou, BLaw, MFinance (Artistic Consultant)

She was raised in a musical environment and grew up surrounded by musical instruments. She got her Piano Degree by Sofi Mouratoglou, she studied Advanced Harmony with Dimitris Sykias, she attended seminars of baroque and classical music with Gerasimos Hoidas.

Graduate of the Athens Law School, with a Master's Degree in Banking and Finance Law from the University of Piraeus. She worked as a trainee lawyer at Emporiki Bank and the Athens Court of Appeal. She was a Lawyer in Athens and a member of the Athens Bar Association. She successfully participated in the Hellenic Ministry of Justice Notary Competition in 2018, occupying the 25th position in Greece, and she is now a notary ( and a member of the Notary Association of Athens - Piraeus - Aegean and Dodecanese.

She is the inspiration and the spirit of Melodima. She monitors its progress since its inception and contributes to its success with artistic advice, evaluation of new musicians, selection of music, etc. Angeliki and Stefanos socialise with musicians from all music genres and they are constantly seeking new ideas and new sounds for weddings and receptions. Mother of 2 children.

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